What is a Compliance Certificate?

A Certificate is issued to a Workplace using or storing Hazardous Substances when it has shown that it meets the requirements of the regulations. The certificate can be issued for different periods of time dependent on the substances at site and how they are stored.

Why do I need one…

Location Certificate:

If you have flammable, oxidising, toxic or corrosive substances stored at your Workplace or Home.


Stationary Container System Certificate:

If you have flammable, oxidising, toxic or corrosive substances in a Tank or a Process Container.

Worker Training:

Workers must have received Information, Training and Instruction specific to the substances held. Click here for more information.

Apply for a Certificate

Types of Certificates

Most certificates are required due to having certain quantities of substances stored or used at site.   

This is set out in the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Act 2017.   See the Resources page for a link to the Act and other useful documents.

To see if you trigger one of the certificates listed below click here to view the tables showing the classes and thresholds.  You will need to know what your substance class is to use the table.  Check your SDS (Safety Data Sheet) for this.

  • Location Compliance Certificates – for sites
  • Stationary Container System Certificates – for tanks
  • Process Container Certificates – for process vessels
  • Approved Fillers – for workers filling or decanting gases under pressure (Compressed Gases)
  • Certified Handlers – for workers using Class 6.1A or 6.1B

There are quite a few other kinds of certificates such as Tank Wagon In Service, Tank Design, Cylinder Importation etc but these are quite specific and you will usually know if you need these.

To establish if you require any of the certificate above the first step is to complete an inventory.  Templates and information on these are available on our resources page.  Once you have the inventory send it in to us with your applicaiton form and we will adivise you as to the next step.

Any questions please get in touch.

“We look forward to discussing your compliance requirements and working with you and your business or workplace.”

Kirsty McAnally – Director